Of how the Angels fell..

Of how the Angels fell..
seven liberal arts

A man with 7 keys was longing for the morningstar

His path of virtue and science was covered in light
The future of the land of plenty was looking so bright

His logic was sound, his rhet’ric unbound
Oh behold! For the country of gold

Equipp’d with his compass and square
He made society honest and fair

But his find of that what was lost
Just came at a very high cost

As if hit by a divine spark
The enlight’ned fell back into the dark

He forgot his once so delicate plan
And rejoin’d the path of the profane man

Instead of being freed
He’d fallen for his greed

The planet, too small for his desire
Got burned by his so destructive fire

Instead of health, education and food
He built fact’ries and started to pollute

How could nature have been discard’d
By science, once a noble art?

His quest for truth made him stumble and fall
‘Cause he forgot the most important question of all

Who we are..


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